Create a cartoon character— yourself or someone new— one facial feature at a time with Leslie Stein. You can pick up a copy of Leslie’s book I Know You Rider from our friends at Bookshop, where proceeds will help benefit The Believer and independent bookstores.
Watch a video of the livestream below, and follow these steps to create your cartoon character.
For this workshop, you will need a pen/pencil and paper.
To draw your cartoon character:
Step 1: Draw eyes.

Step 2: If you’d like, you can add glasses.

Step 3: Draw a nose.

Step 4: Draw a mouth.

Step 5: Create a face shape to fit around the facial features you’ve drawn so far.

Step 6: Draw hair for your character (unless your character is bald!), fitting around the face shape you just made.

Step 7: Accessorize your character to add personal detail. You can use Leslie’s samples, or draw your own. Use your imagination!

We’d love to see your character! Post it to social and tag @believermag and @leslieamstein.
This workshop was supported in part by Zappos.