[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdt9OO-zbkE?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Good news for fans of sloths, kids books, and tie-ins: In honor of J. Otto Seibold’s slothy cover for this month’s Believer Art Issue, anyone who subscribes to the magazine this weekend (from now until Sunday at midnight PST, that is) also gets a copy of Seibold’s latest (and perhaps greatest) book, Lost Sloth. This is especially nice news for all the cool uncles out there who have yet to buy their nieces or nephews something adorable for the holidays. (Just email letters [at] believermag [dot] com with your order number and we’ll take care of the rest.)

Get your Believer Subscription by clicking on this sentence!

Who is this sloth, you ask? Well, he’s good friends with the Pixies’ Frank Black. Pretty cool for a sloth. Watch the video to see an adorable video featuring Black Francis reading from the book.

*P.S. If you’re in San Francisco, come to the Exploratorium this Sunday at 2 pm for Lost Sloth story time and lots of fun! Free when you buy a museum ticket! Bring the kids (duh)!

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