
After The Skinny Repeal Is Voted Down

After The Skinny Repeal Is Voted Down

Shane McCrae
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Even if only     as one breath they

Something of them     will help my daughter’s

Child if she chooses     to have a child to

Be whole     even as ash     in the wind then

In a dark cloud     then in the rain then

In a bright cloud-white blossom blossom-

ing then     in the ripe fruit     then cold in

Cold orange juice in a white cup the

Four strangers at     a Wendy’s at a

Table across the room     I hear them

Talking about their children’s children

That one is doing better now in

School and what made the difference and

Whether one really should have gotten

A car for Christmas     as around us

Clear windows are obscured by clear rain

I breathe the words they say to each other

We live and die apart together

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