On Friday August 16th, Tarek Loubani, a Canadian emergency physician and John Greyson, an award-winning Canadian filmmaker and professor were arrested by Egyptian authorities. Tarek and John were on their way to Gaza, where Tarek was to work at Al Shifa Hospital, and John to explore the possibility of making a film about the work.
Weeks later, Tarek and John are still being held in Cairo’s Tora prison. Egyptian officials have given no clear reason for their arrest. On Sunday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Egyptian authorities to “release all evidence” against Tarek and John, but we believe it will take ongoing public outcry in order to help secure their freedom.
Family and friends are worried sick about their safety.
Please sign the petition here right now. We are at 95,000 signatures and hope to reach 100,000 in the next twenty-four hours. Thank you for taking a moment to help free these men.